By Wishtrend Launched on Onnuri Store, Official Online Mall of Onnuri Pharmacy

- By Wishtrend, Born From Skincare Concerns of 500,000 Consumers All Over the World
- ‘By Wishtrend’ Names Products With Ingredients and Their Percentages,
Emphasizes Effects with Confidence on the Results

By Wishtrend, the cosmeceutical brand from Wishcompany (CEO Soungho Park), a beauty brand·contents development corporation, has launched on ‘Onnuri Store(,’ official online shopping mall of Onnuri Pharmacy.

By Wistrend is characterized by showing main ingredients and its content on the names of the title, for the consumer to immediately recognize the effects of the product. It is a brand with confidence on the products’ ingredients, formulations, and results, as manifested by the fact that it was launched on distribution channels that carry mostly functional products.

By Wishtrend is a brand that started product development from skincare concerns left on ‘Wishtrend (’, Wishcompany’s global e-commerce, by 500 thousand customers around the world, and focuses on developing low-irritation and highly effective formulations using effective ingredients to resolve various skincare concerns, including acne.

By Wishtrend has only been introduced in Korea for the first time last December, but has been accumulating its fame overseas, including Europe. It continued English-based global marketing for a long time using a number of on·offline channels including ‘Wishtrend TV’, their Youtube channel. Last March, it participated in ‘Cosmoprof Worldwide Bologna 2019’, the biggest international beauty expo opened in Bologna, Italy, and received love calls from buyers of big distribution channels all over the world.

Pure Vitamin C21.5 Advanced Serum came within top 10 serums on AMAZON UK, and Mandelic Acid 5% Skin Prep Water has been introduced by Glamour UK. Recently it has entered Selfridges, showing the brand’s steady growth.

Soungho Park, CEO of Wishcompany says that “We are planning to launch By Wishtrend products in Onnuri Pharmacy offline channels, starting from this Onnuri Store launch. Also, we are going to expand our distribution channel on areas where customers who are interested in functional products are at”.

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